Feb 15, 2009


Izzo paints fantastic images on printed-pattern fabric. The pre-existing patterns become the departure point for wild paintings that bridge foreground with background, abstraction with representation, and the flat plane with spatial depth. He alternately embellishes and obscures the existing patterns, pulling some elements forward, hiding others under his layered paint. Building up small dots and spirals of bright fabric paints against larger planes and shafts of twisting color, Izzo creates visual explosions of pattern and light. Izzo embraces the accidental and organic into his process. Energy - connections - transformation - emotion; these are the concerns that the artist expresses in joyful exuberance. In the same way that a child pulls pictures out of the clouds, artist Izzo pulls new images out of the matrix of pattern on found fabrics, and brings wonder into our eyes.

Izzo's art can be seen at Crazy 8 Art

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